electrical changes. For interchangeability at the card level, multiple source availability
exists if a card composed of MICS from one source is mechanically and electrically inter-
changeable with another card composed of MICS from another source. Numerous aspects
need be considered to arrive at the independence of sources; these involve production inde-
pendence, corporate (or firm) and financial independence, and geographical separation.
The production independence of one source of another is determined by the extent to which
the one source is independent of the other for manufacture; and by the lack of common orig-
inal suppliers of raw or processed materials. Design, process information, technology,
and diffusion masks may be derived from a common source. However, in such a case, each
device source shall have a demonstrated capability of originating these items. The cor-
porate (or firm) and financial independence of one source of another is determined by the
absence of common directors, common officers, or holders of large common financial in-
terests. Geographical separation is simply the distance between the locations where prin-
cipal manufacture takes place by two sources.
Microelectronic Interchangeability Demonstration - Interchangeability of
microelectronic elements shall be demonstrated as follows:
(1) For the interchangeability at the MIC level, it shall be demonstrated
for each type of functional MIC from one source, as used in the
system, that it is mechanically and electrically interchangeable
with that from another source (see 6. 12).
(2) For the interchangeability at the Maintenance module level, it shall
be demonstrated that modules typical of those to be used in the sys-
tem composed of MICS from one source are mechanically and elec-
trically interchangeable with modules composed of MICS from
another source.
(3) For the completed equipment, it shall be demonstrated that modules
composed of MICS from one source are interchangeable with cor-
responding modules composed of MICS from another source. When
interchange has been effected, no degradation shall take place in
system and subsystem performance.
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